

Monday, July 16, 2012

Blue Vs Blue

More accurately, Blue Vs Purple/Green/Ochre. In the background of the Warmahordes setting both Cygnar and Trollbloods have a blue standard color scheme, and my partner from the league and I realized recently we've never actually played against one another. So we decided on some trolls v Cygnar.

My Cygnar has a lot of standard colors for the faction, while Brice's trolls are an amalgam of his own green trolls, my ochre trolls, and a bunch of our friend Charlie's purple trolls.

Still, it was a fully painted 50 pt match, so it looked amazingly sweet on the tabletop.

I played a tier list, anxious to play my favorite warcaster with my new Stormwall colossal toy.

Constance Blaize, Knight of Stabbing Face
Gallant (Advance Move from tier)
Journeyman Warcaster
Min Sword Knights
2 x Min Precusor Knights with UAs (one UA free from tier)
Archduck Runewood (grants Knights +2 speed on first turn, which is crazysauce tier bonus)
Harlan Versh, Dude in Floppy Hat
Min Field Mechanics

Brice rocked
Green Grim Angus
Green Impaler
Green Earthborn modded to be wrecking a Cygnar warjack(!)
Purple Slag Troll
Max Purple Champs
Purple Fell Caller
Purple Horthol
Min Purple Long Riders
Max Ochre Burrowers
Min Purple Krielstone Bearer and UA

It was sweet. The scenario was Diversion, a radial scenario that's eminently scoreable while not an auto win for either side. Each player is attempting to control a flag on their right and contest a zone on the opposite side of the board.

I won the roll to go first and went first. Brice took the side of the table with the forests, leaving me the walls. I ran everything. Jr put arcane shield on the stormwall. Brice ran a bunch and positioned. He put cross country on his long riders.

Harlan missed his shot on the long rider in the woods.
I gave my PKs pathfinder and Constance moved up, feated, and cast Crusader's Call. The PKs got to and killed two long riders. Another hit the slag for a few. The rest gummed up the works (I minifeated with the purple team). My sword knights repositioned and the other PKs and gallant advanced defensively. Stormwall shot two shots, hitting and nearly killing a long rider and missing with the big guns. He also dropped covering fire and a lightning pod to cover up burrower territory.

The burrowers killed a bunch of infantry, giving me some souls. The last long rider and horthol charged stormwall and did 20 ish damage. The champs charged a PK and ran to engage my lines. Grim didn't feat yet. The earthborn repositioned to get to Stormwall.

Gallant and the sword knights killed two champs engaging my second unit of PKs. Runewood gave a buff to that unit and they charged into the remaining champs, minifeating and killing the rest. Stormwall failed to kill horthol, but did un-bison him, and murdered the last long rider, though it took all its attacks due to dice and tough checks.

Blaize moved behind a wall and got arcane shield, as I felt I was going to lose stormwall next turn and was positioned to counter strike with Blaize. The mechanics put 6 boxes back on stormwall.

Brice spent his next turn feating and attempting to kill Stormwall on one side and PKs on the other. Both go poorly. The earthborn gets all the buffs but is still at dice -1 for 6 attacks (charge boosted). Brice got some bad dice and left 12 damage on the wall, and horthol didn't finish it. The burrowers popped up with nowhere to go and killed PKs.

Mechanics healed storm wall (reattaching its broken arm) and it tried to kill the earthborn but just failed. I repositioned my stuff and gave ground to the slag troll on the other side of the board. I put arcane shield back on stormwall.
Brice's earthborn frenzied but didn't kill stormwall. Horthol didn't either. Many PKs died.

These dudes all died.

Stormwall killed the earthborn and horthol. The slag troll manages to kill a nearly cherry gallant. I'm out of morrowans for flanks. Sad. Stormwall gets repaired and mugs the impaler. My sword knights remaining start working over the KSB.

Burrowers failed to kill most of my backfield, and Sugar Ray killed the one on him. Runewood mauled the Slag Troll. Constance cast sunburst on the Fell caller. The sword knights kill the stone. Stormwall kills the impaler.

Grim stands alone.

He goes for Constance and manages to hit her twice but doesn't finish her, and Stormwall punches Grim into oblivion.
Sweet, epic game. We both gamed for scenario enough that no scenario points were scored while we destroyed each others armies. Nice attrition slugfest.

-Merlin out

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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