

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Bad Seeds!

I finally got my Bad Seeds epic Magnus tier list painted up after diecon, but I've been having so much fun playing storm wall I haven't gotten around to playing it. I got the chance this week.

Brandon (our league Legion player) wanted to try his hand at Circle, and so we were both playing lists we've never played before. Both were a bit pillowfisted too, I think.

I played
Magnus the warlord
2x renegade
Min Trencher commandos w/ one scattergunner
Min Sword Knights
Saxon Orrik
Kell Bailoch
Orin Midwinter

Brandon dropped
Kromac the Ravenous
Gnarlhorn Satyr
Shadow horn Satyr
Feral Warpwolf
Full Tharn Ravagers with Shaman
Tharn whitemane

He got to go first. Scenario was Overrun. Big box in the center for control. He ran. Put two upkeeps out.

I advanced, tried to stay out of threat, mis-played the threat of the ravager's cannibal rush, and moved a bit.

Brandon's cannibals killed two rangers (which I thought were safe, thought the Ravagers were speed 5 and not 6, my bad) and using warpath managed to move up two beasts as well. They killed more rangers and mugged a renegade.

My super-shooty list didn't get to shoot much before engagement. Ah well. I had my good renegade fire his knockdown rocket into a satyr and catch the feral Warpwolf as well. Magnus himself charged in and murdered the wolf with his armor piercing strike. I had him feat to try and stay safe afterward; this was probably a mistake.

The defender charged in and hit the knocked down satyr hard. My infantry killed a couple cannibals. I shuffled some stuff around and my biggest mistake was probably firing the obliterater rocket on my mostly dead renegade. It missed and deviated poorly, killing some of my own stuff. I didn't need to shoot it and it's a powerful effect to waste.

Brandon retaliated, but my feat kept him from a lot of juicy targets. The defender passed a strength check to resist a two-handed throw from a satyr. A bunch of sword knights and rangers died. Orin died.

My next turn most of my troops whiffed attacking the savages which was bad since a single one can kill several models in retaliation. They did manage to kill two more of them, but there were still two more and the solo as well.

My defender got a full load of focus and killed the wounded satyr while mugging the last satyr pretty well. Magnus moved away from Kromac (dude is serious business).

Kromac and the last satyr killed the defender and one of the last savages tied up my good renegade.

The infantry failed to kill Ravagers a bunch, but volume of attacks finally paid off and all but one were removed. Magnus ran away a bit.

Kromac moved up to finish the renegade that was superhurt. The last ravager got into my last renegade again.

I decided it was now or never for an assassination. Kromac was in beast form, but with zero fury and his only beast was full. Magnus hit with his scattergun and Convection (boosted attack and damage), but came up 5 damage short of winning the game.

Kromac ate him next turn.

In hindsight perhaps I should have cast Bullet Dodger instead as tried to weather an assassination run with some camp.

Next time, gadget.

As an added bonus here's a shot of Brice's fully-painted proxy-tastic trolls on the next table. I would have taken a shot of Charlie's Menoth but it's still a work in progress.

-Merlin out

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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