

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Challenge Match: Cancelled!

I got the new War Room list building and battling app for my mobile device, and it's all right. I know that much of the WHM community reviles it because the older, free product iBodger was forced out of the market. And ibodger was better at list building.

It's true.

But hey, it's here and I wanted to test the battle functionality. Ibodger never tracked damage and helped me play my games. I challenged Brice to get the app and we'd play a battlebox game.

But it's not working for his iPhone. So we decided to throw down on a 35 pt game. Brice tried Jarl for the first time, and I played Nemo3.

The scenario was a flank scenario called entrapment. This scenario features reinforcements that come on to defend a zone instead of attack.

I won the roll but asked Brice to go first, because I wanted to choose the side. There was a bunch of terrain and I wanted the hill.

Brice played Jarl
Fennblades full
Burrowers full
Troll Moses
Fell Caller
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew

Janissa Stonetide

I played Midlife Crisis Nemo with New Stepmom
Storm Strider
Stormblades with a Gunner
Journeyman Warcastress

Min Stormguard
Stormsmith Stormcaller

Jarl put Quicken on the fennblades and advanced super fast. The burrowers ran through the woods with pathfinder from the Fell Caller.

I was terrified. He was too far away to hit with my guns but he'd get to me next turn if I moved out too far. So I stayed pretty far back.

Brice burrowed with the burrowers. Which was terrifying. The Fennblades ran at my stuff and engaged a LOT of my stormblades. However he left most of his other stuff way back and feated with Jarl to get cloud cover. the Runeshapers ran onto the board.

I killed all the Fennblades but one with lightning and all my infantry. I used a couple stormblades to screen Nemo from the burrowers and moved my heavies to block some ground to burrowers.

The burrowers showed up but failed to really hurt my heavies. Brice moved his beasts closer. The Fell Caller killed a bunch of stuff with his spray.

I cleared off the burrowers from my stormclad and had it fully loaded walk to the axer and kill it. He had some left over to mug the impaler.

Brice killed the stormclad (barely; the Impaler turned it UP with two 15s on damage rolls) and sent the earthborn at the strider. But he got terrible damage rolls and left it with 5 wounds. Things were looking bad.

I popped Nemo's feat. The lightning was devastating and killed everything but the swamp goblins. Jarl toughed it out. He made a last ditch attempt at the old man but couldn't get it done.


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Friday, August 17, 2012

Challenge Match: Colossal

Charlie had to own a colossal, so he picked up a Conquest and painted it up sweet. He challenged my Stormwall to a Cygnar/Khador giant-robot grudge match. It was on like the Donkey Kong.

I decided to play Nemo3, because Charlie loves him some winterguard and assassins, and Nemo3 can kill both those units himself with a little support.

The scenario was Overrun. Get a model into the big rectangle and keep it there. And kill all the enemy stuff in the rectangle.

I played
Midlife Crisis Nemo and New Stepmom
Min Boomhowler with Murdoch
Reinholdt the Reloader
Broke 13th
Epic Elf
Kung Lao, Rogue Alchemist

Charlie played
Assassins max w UA
Winterguard max w UA and Greg
Piper of Ord

Charlie won the roll, wanted to go first, and I took the side with the hill to stand on. We ran at each other turn one, though I did kill a few WG with lightning gun shots. I put Failsafe on Stormwall.

Charlie moved up and killed 3 rangers but I'd left everything else out of engagement range. The assassins ran at my trolls but did not engage any of them.

I retaliated with lots of lightning. Thorn killed two assassins. Gorman killed two with an acid bomb. With chain lightning and two shots from nemo's gun at Thorn and a lightning pod I killed 6 assassins and 5 winterguard. Charlie didn't make a lot of tough rolls. The b13 killed the remaining assassins aside from the underboss, who made her tough check.

Stormwall didn't do much, but put a few points into the Spriggan. My coup de grace was running epic elf 14" to just stand near the Spriggan and Conquest. So no focus for them.

Charlie had lost most of his infantry at this point.
His jacks were denied focus. Vlad moved up, cast signs and portents, and feated. The Spriggan mauled Thorn, but left cortex and spear. The conquest moved toward Boomhowler and fired a buch of aoes, but he realized after moving that he needed to kill Gorman super bad. So he fired all guns at Kung Lao, needing a 16 to hit him on the hill. He of course missed a bunch but got good deviations and with s&p the blast damage finally killed that annoying bugger.

Spriggan and Thorn had an epic joust this game.

The mechanics charged Eiryss and failed.

I was way up on attrition and with Eiryss still around to keep Conquest non-awesome I killed the Spriggan with Thorn and Stormwall (with ease; Thorn's two boosted damage rolls were both 16s). Boomhowler howled rage at Conquest to make it innaccurate to boot. The b13 killed all the mechanics and lightning killed the underboss again, who was again tough.

Vlad charged the Stormwall with Blood of Kings but barely scratched the paint. He camped a bunch.

I went for an assassination run using a boosted storm pod (0 damage), a double boosted stormwall fist (9 damage, leaving Vlad on 6), and lots of 4d6 electroleaps. However, I didn't get the kill. Vlad lived to try a razor wind hail Mary on Nemo but failed. Stormwall finished him with a boosted lightning pod.

It was a pretty epic match. I feel like I metagamed Charlie a bit with Boomhowler, though Gorman and Eiryss are in a lot of my lists anyways. I also knew that Nemo eats high-def Khador infantry like a champ so bringing the old man was a good idea.

Stormwall is pretty sweet.

-Merlin out

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Mi hizzle

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Monday Night Skorne

So I picked up another hordes battlebox (or warpack as they are called) because I wanted to have two for demonstration purposes. I decided on Skorne because. . .they looked fun. The models are pretty gorgeous as well. I was planning on painting up a small Skorne force here and there, not playing a ton of the faction but just getting my toes wet.


I also choose a new paint scheme, a tutorial from the pages of Privateer Press' No Quarter magazine. The tutorial is essentially a primer on how to paint troops with Black armor, which is a challenging thing to do with shades and highlights. PP's poster models are the Black Dragon Iron Fang pikemen from Khador. I used that tutorial and painted up the warlock in the Skorne warpack, Master Tormentor Morghoul.

And it's my best painting to date. Which is a little irritating. I didn't want to love the hell outta my Skorne. But I think I do. Holy crap am I happy with this stuff.

I just had to play morghoul after getting him painted. I borrowed some Skorne models from Charlie and played a 35 pt game with Brandon. My list is pretty bad. It's just the models I have available. There's not a lot of synergies here aside from obvious ones, and some of the models aren't pulling their weight.

I played:
Aptimus Marketh
Titan Gladiator (painting this week; another lovely model)
Tiberion, character clubber
2 x Cyclops Savage light warbeasts
Minimum pain giver beast handlers
Orin Midwinter
Swamp Gobbers
Extoller Soulward

Brandon played
Lylyth, Shadow (?) of Everblight (prime)
2 x shredder
Striders w UA and Deathstalker
Blackfrost Shard

The scenario was Diversion, a winnable radial scenario. I won the roll and went first.

I had to decide whether to attack my flag or defend against him scoring. Morghoul has a tiny control area. I decided that the fight would happen on his flag, keeping him from scoring. I moved everything toward it.

He advanced and put some combined ranged attacks into my front beasts, rolling boxcars on two of his three damage rolls (ouch). Other than that not much happened.

I moved up my savages to jam him, forgetting to heal the mind of the one who'd taken the most hits. Tiberion killed three Striders.

Morghoul popped his feat to prevent enemy models being forced in his tiny control bubble. It should have kept my beasts safe from harm. The Agonizer used Gnawing Pain to keep the Carnivean and Scythean from advancing too far forward. I felt that I'd made a decent little defensive bubble, with the gobbers putting a cloud up on Morghoul as well.

But Lylyth can mark a target with her bow so that her beasts can charge without forcing. Luckily the Striders and shard didn't mug my jamming cyclops too much, though Lylyth herself cast Parasite on Tiberion and did some damage, and popped her feat. The shard did cast kiss of lyliss on Tiberion, debuffing his armor to 16. The Carnivean failed to kill the Cyclops. The Scythean failed to kill Tiberion by missing a 5 on 3 dice.

So things went better than expected. Morghoul abused Tiberion and healed him as well. He charged a shredder, killed it and then sprinted back to cast rush on the gladiator.

My savage jamming near the flag frenzied and did nothing important. He had a handful of hit boxes left. The gladiator charged the Scythean and killed it easy with enrage. I lost my right-hand savage to a free strike from the Carnivean. Then Tiberion murdered the Carnivean and had the fury left to buy and boost an attack to squash a blackfrost shard.

Losing two heavies and a shredder kicked Brandon in the pants pretty hard. He managed to get Tiberion, but the next turn the gladiator got rid of the shard and his last shredder, Morghoul killed all the Striders remaining with Anatomical Precision and Overtake, and my remaining savage got healed and managed to hit Lylyth for some damage. I also scored a scenario point.

I'd run out of time on my deathclock, but overall it was a strong performance. We decided we both won. Him on time and me by attrition.

Skorne is kinda fun. The gladiator is proving difficult to paint though. I hope I can keep the quality up.

-Merlin out
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