It's true.
But hey, it's here and I wanted to test the battle functionality. Ibodger never tracked damage and helped me play my games. I challenged Brice to get the app and we'd play a battlebox game.
But it's not working for his iPhone. So we decided to throw down on a 35 pt game. Brice tried Jarl for the first time, and I played Nemo3.
The scenario was a flank scenario called entrapment. This scenario features reinforcements that come on to defend a zone instead of attack.
I won the roll but asked Brice to go first, because I wanted to choose the side. There was a bunch of terrain and I wanted the hill.
Brice played Jarl
Fennblades full
Burrowers full
Troll Moses
Fell Caller
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew
Janissa Stonetide
I played Midlife Crisis Nemo with New Stepmom
Storm Strider
Stormblades with a Gunner
Journeyman Warcastress
Min Stormguard
Stormsmith Stormcaller
Jarl put Quicken on the fennblades and advanced super fast. The burrowers ran through the woods with pathfinder from the Fell Caller.
I was terrified. He was too far away to hit with my guns but he'd get to me next turn if I moved out too far. So I stayed pretty far back.
Brice burrowed with the burrowers. Which was terrifying. The Fennblades ran at my stuff and engaged a LOT of my stormblades. However he left most of his other stuff way back and feated with Jarl to get cloud cover. the Runeshapers ran onto the board.
I killed all the Fennblades but one with lightning and all my infantry. I used a couple stormblades to screen Nemo from the burrowers and moved my heavies to block some ground to burrowers.
The burrowers showed up but failed to really hurt my heavies. Brice moved his beasts closer. The Fell Caller killed a bunch of stuff with his spray.
I cleared off the burrowers from my stormclad and had it fully loaded walk to the axer and kill it. He had some left over to mug the impaler.
Brice killed the stormclad (barely; the Impaler turned it UP with two 15s on damage rolls) and sent the earthborn at the strider. But he got terrible damage rolls and left it with 5 wounds. Things were looking bad.
I popped Nemo's feat. The lightning was devastating and killed everything but the swamp goblins. Jarl toughed it out. He made a last ditch attempt at the old man but couldn't get it done.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone