I played:
Still with the facestabbing. |
Stormblades with Unit Attachment Officer and Standard and a Storm Gunner Weapon Attachment
Harlan Versh, Illuminated One (flanker for Constance)
Game 1 vs. Mortenebra Cryx
My opponent was playing a Morty tiered list, so his 3 heavies all cost a point less. His list was
Character Skarlock dude
3 Slayers
2 Warwitch Sirens
The warwitches are bananas. They ignore free strikes, they can freeze a model in place with their reach melee attack, and they have several good magical attacks. Oh, and they can give a 'jack a focus if they don't do any of the other stuff. Just ridiculously strong.
I saw their magic attacks and put Banishing Ward on my Stormblades. Harlan has Sacred Ward, so that meant my opponent could only target my warcaster and warjack with his magic attacks. This proved to be an issue for him.
The scenario was Overrun, which features a large scoring area in the middle of the board that's difficult to control.
He set up and went first after winning the roll. He put Spectral Steel on a Slayer to give it ghostly (walk through stuff, ignore free strikes), and everything advanced. I counteradvanced but left my stuff a little bit out of his charge range with Morty and her hookups.
He tried to cast some spells with the sirens, but that wasn't going to work. Instead he advanced his 3 heavies up toward my lines and hid everything else behind the building in the center of the table.
So his stuff is all up in my grill, but I haven't lost a model, so I struck hard. The Stormclad wrecked a Slayer easy. I Think my opponent knew that would happen; it was a sacrifice. However, he wasn't planning on Harlan Versh firing four essentially fully-boosted shots into the Slayer with Spectral Steel and rolling well to do nearly 20 boxes of damage to a second heavy. And he certainly wasn't planning on my Stormblades Assaulting and finishing off said second heavy, _and_ killing his third heavy as well. Stormblades hit really hard; their issue is not being able to get to the fight alive. Having a full unit of dudes to hit those heavies was huge. I moved my 'caster back behind the building and her troops and she popped her feat.
I moved the Storm Gunner into the control zone to contest, but that was the only model I put in.
Morty's force was decimated. My opponent used her feat and spell list to charge a Stormblade, kill it, and then Overrun over to my caster and attempt a long-shot assassination. It was his only chance. He had rerolled attacks with his feat, but he chose not to boost his first two, and he needed 9s to hit. That cost him a lot. He did 6 damage to Constance, but he then conceded the game, as he was out of options.
Game MVP: Stormblades _wreck_ shit.
Game 2 vs Ashlynn Highborn Mercenaries
My opponent played
Gun Mages
Blythe and Bull
First Mate Hawk
I was worried about Ashlynn and her feat, which is awesome for my opponent and terrible for me. I think the scenario was Close Quarters, which has two control zones close to each other near the center of the table, but offset slightly. To score one must control the zone on the opponent's side of the table. I won the roll to set up and go first, and I wanted to go first.
I figured Ashlynn would feat turn 2, and I wanted to try and offset her feat with my own. I moved my stuff up and cast Transference, thinking that maybe with boosts I could still get hits on her feat turn. He cast Admonition on the Mangler and Quicken on Ashlynn (which I see a lot; not a fan of Quicken on her, as I think Admonition needs to be on the 'caster), and moved up aggressively.
I saw a chance to try and wrong-foot him by charging my Stormclad diagonally at the Gun Mages, which would put a big patch of rough terrain between our heavies. I activated Blaize first and cast Crusader's Call to lengthen everything's threat and popped her feat. The 'clad killed two gun mages with his charge attack. I then had the Stormblades Assault, and they hurt Blythe and Bull a little, but didn't hit a lot. They aren't terribly accurate with their lightning-sword blasts.
I moved Harlan up a bit to take four potshots at the Mangler with his Purgation quadiron, Malleus. He managed to roll well once, and did 8 or 9 damage with his four shots. Not bad.
Then my opponent surprised me. He dropped Admonition, gave the Mangler 3 focus, and then activated Blythe and Bull first to shoot at the Stormclad (their prey). They did 10-ish damage to it, wrecking the cortex. Then he activated the gun mages and did a CRA into a Stormblade, killing it. Then the Mangler charged in and threshered two Stormblades (3 tasty souls). What I was confused about was why my foe didn't use Ashlynn first and pop her feat? She makes her whole force super accurate, gets more crits with the gun mages. . .it's all good. Anyway, she got an extra shot from Reinholdt and Ashlynn moved up toward my warcaster. He planned on shooting Harlan, but forgot that the cheeky bugger has stealth. So auto-miss. Instead he took two shots at Constance, and did a few damage. Then Hawk charged the Stormclad and did some wounds.
So my turn starts and Ashlynn doesn't have Admonition on her to save her from my charge, hasn't popped her ridiculous feat which would protect her from my charges, and is 8 inches away from Harlan and Constance. I had Harlan charge in to give Constance her Morrowan flank bonus to melee attacks, and he managed to hit (needed a 12 on 3 dice) and do a crapload of damage. Constance charged in and finished Ashlynn off easily (with 8 focus to spare).
Game MVP: Harlan Versh. Dude brought the pain.
Game 3 (finals) vs. Harbinger Menoth
Sadly, my opponent was playing an illegal list in the finals and I noticed right away. We asked the judge about it and he was disqualified. We still played the game, and I played sloppy as hell because I already technically won, but I learned alot from my mistakes. I decided to split the first-place prize with my opponent because he won, despite the fact that I get the win on paper. He played a good game.
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