

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

High Command and WMH

I finally picked up High Command and Rob b and I played a game. We played it "cold" so we didn't really strategize overmuch.

He played menoth and I played cygnar. In the end we both managed to get a location on the final turn, and I won because I had purchased more cards with VPs than he had.

It was fun and I enjoyed the strategy and depth of options. We will have to try it again sometime.

Later in the week Charlie and I played two games of warmahordes. He played his Harbinger tier list:

Avatar of Menoth
Two min Choir
Full temple flame guard and UA
Two paladins of the wall
High Paladin Vilmon

He gets to play 5 points up in tier, with 3 walls and a plus 1 to initiative.

He won the roll v my new Stryker list in outflank. . .

Black 13th
Full Sword Knights
Epic Eiryss
Epic Alexia

It's an assassination focused list with some staying power.

Charlie parked Harby behind a wall and just ground me down every turn while I tried to kill her. I missed a lot of boosted attacks fishing for 12s. If I hit more than one (unboosted damage too, boo!) then perhaps I win. I did pop feat to counter her feat. Which was dope.

In the end Stryker got killed by a crusader that lived through a stormwall free strike.

In game two I played hexeris 2 instead:

Bonded razor wurm
Titan bronzeback
Titan Gladiator
Molik Karn
Basilisk Krea
Extoller Soul ward
Two willbreakers
Swamp Goblins
Min paingivers
Full Nihilators

I like the list a lot. We played process of elimination. I misplayed my focus-denial pieces in both games and lost heavies because of it. I did manage 3 CPs in the second game but since the Agonizer was dead I couldn't time walk jacks and get a second turn of work from Molik. Third turn really. Molik is a boss.

-Merlin out

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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