

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Tournament recap

I played in Bulldog's weird birthday tournament last Saturday. It was two list 50 PTs steamroller, but the lists could each be from different factions, and the opponents chose the list they'd play against.

Round 1 was my Stryker1 v Canadian haley2.

Black 13th
Full sword knights

His was
Stormwall (bond)
Gun mages with UA marshaling a hunter
Two storm callers
Black 13th
Arlan strangewayes
Gorman di Wulfe, Kung Lao impersonator

He got to go first. We ran at each other. He feated. I counterfeated. We shot each other to little effect a bunch.

The black 13th moved to flank but I met them with alexia. They engaged her to gunfighter and promptly shat themselves. I pushed thrall warriors and sword knights with flank from the lancer at stormwall every turn. I couldn't kill jr though.

Meanwhile he spent two turns trying to kill my objective and hurt stormwall to little effect.

In the end we both got a CP from breaking the objectives (it was rallying point) and I won on dice down with Stryker in a zone.

Sad. We only killed like 10 points each. I was playing my last turns with an eye to dice down and my opponent was not.

Game 2 I got to play Stryker again v syntherion in destruction.

His list was:
Prime axiom
2 light jacks (?)
2 heavy, steady jacks (?)
Full obstructors
Two arc nodey solos
Some reflex servitors

I got to go first, feated top of two and jammed arm 24 tough sword knights into his lines. He moved up as well.

Top of 3 I asked my opponent if his floaty-looking caster was steady. He said no. I ran the lancer, got an earthquake on syntherion, got line of sight with stormwall, boosted two damage rolls, left him at 7-8, then got souls for alexia, who moved up and hellfired ftw.

Way better than dice down wins.

Round 3 I got to choose between two vayls in outflank. He made me play hexeris 2. I chose vayl1. Might have been a mistake.

Molik Karn
Bonded razor wurm
2 willbreakers
Min beast handlers
Max Nihilators
Swamp goblins

He had
2 Shepherds
2 death stalkers

I lost the roll to go first. He moved up super fast. I left Molik in charge range of the scythean if he leashed it. He did. I had left Molik with 1 fury and ashen veil. The scythean got chiller to offset AV but I forced for rerolls until he missed. Molik was full then. Typhon sprayed over MK and left him on 6 boxes.

The angel did no damage on it's ranged attack. The seraph finally killed MK with its first ranged attack (he hit every ten on the boost to hit MK engaged).

He backed up with feat.

The extoller used Nihilator souls to shoot the scythean for 16 damage, then the razor wurm got mad and ate it. It then engaged vayl with drag below. The Nihilators jammed up the ravagore and angel in the other zone.

The seraph frenzied and smashed typhon. Typhon killed the razor wurm, and the angel hurt the bronzeback but failed to take out any branches. He dominates for 2.

My two titans kill two heavies and I score a point on the other side. I run stuff in to contest the close zone. I misplay by not using puppet strings on Krea shot to paralyze typhon (shot misses, then extoller misses on the boost, and then hexy doesn't even bother with hellfire).

My opponent kills everything in his zone, rampagers the BB out of the other, and my last 3 Nihilators fail tough checks (failed all of them this game). He scores 3 to win on scenario.

I could have played that way better.

Round 4 hexy v kreoss 3

Scenario was close quarters.

Full ponies
Min errants with ua and seneschal
Full zealots with monolith
Knights exemplar
Two vassals

I lose the roll but he lets me go first. I run up, he does the same. He's left his ponies behind errants so I block Los to Molik with a cloud on the approach. I killed 3 KE with berserk. He spends the next turn killing Nihilators with bows. He kills all but 4 Nihilators. I'm worried about volume of attacks. I get the BB to his reckoner but it fails to kill it, not getting the 5s I need to hit. Agonizer runs up to deny focus tho. BB lives. My light beasts live through the KEE charges.

I carve a path for Molik to get to ponies with Krea and wurm (drag below is legit for clearing lanes). BB kills reckoner ad a pony. Molik kills two more ponies.

Bb diea on his turn. Molik lives. Kreoss comes up to core. I get MK and gladiator on kreoss. Game ends.

3-1 on the day. I want guns in my hexy list.

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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

High Command and WMH

I finally picked up High Command and Rob b and I played a game. We played it "cold" so we didn't really strategize overmuch.

He played menoth and I played cygnar. In the end we both managed to get a location on the final turn, and I won because I had purchased more cards with VPs than he had.

It was fun and I enjoyed the strategy and depth of options. We will have to try it again sometime.

Later in the week Charlie and I played two games of warmahordes. He played his Harbinger tier list:

Avatar of Menoth
Two min Choir
Full temple flame guard and UA
Two paladins of the wall
High Paladin Vilmon

He gets to play 5 points up in tier, with 3 walls and a plus 1 to initiative.

He won the roll v my new Stryker list in outflank. . .

Black 13th
Full Sword Knights
Epic Eiryss
Epic Alexia

It's an assassination focused list with some staying power.

Charlie parked Harby behind a wall and just ground me down every turn while I tried to kill her. I missed a lot of boosted attacks fishing for 12s. If I hit more than one (unboosted damage too, boo!) then perhaps I win. I did pop feat to counter her feat. Which was dope.

In the end Stryker got killed by a crusader that lived through a stormwall free strike.

In game two I played hexeris 2 instead:

Bonded razor wurm
Titan bronzeback
Titan Gladiator
Molik Karn
Basilisk Krea
Extoller Soul ward
Two willbreakers
Swamp Goblins
Min paingivers
Full Nihilators

I like the list a lot. We played process of elimination. I misplayed my focus-denial pieces in both games and lost heavies because of it. I did manage 3 CPs in the second game but since the Agonizer was dead I couldn't time walk jacks and get a second turn of work from Molik. Third turn really. Molik is a boss.

-Merlin out

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone