

Monday, December 19, 2011

Chitown Game

I played a game of warmachine while on business in Chicago recently. I found the place on the privateer press forums, and they happened to have open warmachine and hordes the night I was in town.

It's a little store called Unique Games & Gifts, in Grayslake IL, north of Chicago proper. I started a game with a small child there, but he had to leave unexpectedly, and so I faced off against one of the local players.

He wanted to try Circle Orboros' new warlock, epic Baldur, the Stonesoul. I had only brought the mercenary stuff I'd taken to the latest Flint not-tournament. I played Constance Blaize.


Full Precusor Knights and UA
Full Nyss Hunters
Gorman di Wulfe
Epic Eiryss, Angel of Brokeness
Harlan Versh
Ogrun Bokur on Blaize

His list was full of new Circle proxies

Druids and UA
Shifting Stones and keeper
2 gallows grove

The scenario was killbox.

His only ranged attacks were magic attacks, so I put Banishing Ward on the Nyss and moved everything up. He did the same with his stuff; standard first turn advancing. He kept his troops out of my infantry charge range.

So I had Harlan advance and shoot one of his trees to death. Then I had the PKs advance a bit in shield wall. The Nyss shot a Druid with CRA and everything else stayed back a bit.

However, I'd left a hole in the middle of my troops for the battlegroup, and my foe decided to pull Gallant through it toward his Druids so that ghetorix could wreck it. Ghetorix did wreck gallant. Then Baldur put a rock wall in front of Ghetorix to protect him and the rest of his troops hung back. He also popped his feat and put Roots of the Earth on a few models.

The PKs charged up and hit the other tree, but because I was in shield wall I didn't actually charge and the lack of boosted damage hurt me (I had transference up but hadn't realized the tree was at like 19 Armor with the feat).

I wound up charging the Nyss into the Druids, shooting Megalith With Harlan and Eiryss, counterfeating, and having Gorman auto-deviate black oil onto Ghetorix.

Ghetorix forfeited his action and advanced into Blaize. The Gorax killed Gorman and the Bokur. The Druids and megalith struggled against the defense 15 spellwarded Nyss. My foe put Roots of the earth on Ghetorix and Baldur and a wall in front of Baldur (he'd moved up a bit to keep Ghetorix in his control area).

I don't think my foe was expecting the PKs to kill the Gorax or maul Ghetorix. I popped their mini feat and they made short work of the Gorax and the Battle Chaplain put 10 wounds on Ghetorix. I also don't think he was planning on Blaize finishing off Ghetorix herself. But she had a few extra focus from losing solos on her feat turn and managed to get him. The Nyss killed another Druid and popped Megalith for a bit more with another CRA. Eiryss knocked Megalith's animus out (she did this several times). The PKs also slapped the other Gallows Grove a bit, and destroyed a Shifting Stone during their charge.

My opponent was on his back foot. Baldur was 12" from Blaize and that was too far for him to assassinate. We'd traded heavies, but the Druids and Megalith were struggling with the Nyss. Baldur killed a Druid to drop a crevasse on some PKs and Megalith killed Harlan and a few Nyss Hunters, but I was winning the attrition war.

The Nyss charged Megalith and hurt him badly. Eiryss mugged a shifting stone to no avail. Baldur backed up and tossed out a Rock Wall.

Rupert gave the PKs tough and they advanced into Baldur, hitting him with transference for boosted damage. He was down to like 5 wounds. The Nyss got megalith down to 1 wound, and Eiryss used Sniper to finish him. Blaize put a huge obstruction between Baldur and herself.

Baldur had like 5 Wurm tokens at this point, and without Megalith to heal he was looking bad. He used his self-nuke to kill a couple PKs on him (one was tough) and moved back to heal on a shifting stone.

Constance moved up so that the PKs could use transference to attack and damage Baldur again. He lived due to poor rolls.

Baldur gave up and charged forward to kill some PKs, and with flank Blaize finished him. It was inevitable at that point.

It was a good game. Took about 3 hours.

I forgot to take a pic of the game, but here's the Thai food I ate in Chicago.

-Merlin out

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, December 2, 2011

Saturday Warmahordes Games

I went to the Gamer's Sanctuary in Flint last Saturday for a tournament that did not take place due to low attendance. I was still able to get in four games of Warmachine, two against a fellow I did not know, and two against the nemesis Ray.

John played Trolls and had only Grim Angus with him. He played Grim twice against my Constance Blaize list. The lists were something like:

10 PKs + UA
10 Nyss Hunters
Epic Eiryss
Harlan Versh
Gorman Di Wulfe
Rupert Songman

Dire Troll Mauler
Troll Impaler
Troll Axer
Troll Champ Hero
3 Long Riders
6 Bushwackers
Fell Caller
Some pig artillery thing, the razorback crew?

We played scenarios. In the first game, we ran at each other, I feated and left Blaize at zero focus trying to mug the Axer with Nyss, and then John managed to kill Blaize with an Impaler under Rage and a Long Rider charge.

The second game was more interesting. We played the Revelation scenario, which has two flags, and both must be scored upon to win. We both advanced again, and again we clashed, but this time Gorman dropped Black Oil on the Long Riders and Blaize camped enough to be relatively safe from the Impaler. We chewed through each other's forces, and when the dust had settled it was 5 PKs, Gallant, and Blaize against Grim, 2 Bushwackers, the Axer, and the Mauler. However, I'd started off the scoring on flag #1, and Blaize was sitting on flag #2. John planned to camp his mauler on Flag #1 and thereby keep the score constantly tied while we jockeyed for position (Grim was Locking down Gallant), but I realized after a turn of this that each player can only score 2 points per flag. So I wound up winning by scenario.

Ray stepped in while John got Taco Bell and showed me the fury of Cryx.

I played

10 PKs + UA
Bloody Bradigan
Gorman di Wulfe
Epic Elf
Aiyana and Holt
Ogrun Bokur attached to PK officer

He played prime Skarre with a pile of mcThralls, full Soulhunters with Darragh Wrathe, a Slayer, and some other junk in the backfield.

We ran at each other, but I didn't feat the turn of engagement, and the PKs failed a terror test against Gerlak Slaughterborn (with the reroll; two 10s). So they were out. I managed to put some fear of God into Skarre by putting a Nomad into her backfield, but she just feated and the Soulhunters charged through my shit with Incorporeal and that was game.

Ray and I played again, and he played Venethrax with a pile of Bloodgorgers. This game was awesome.

I played something like

6 PKS + UA
Harlan Versh
Gorman di Wulfe
Taryn di Rovissi

We both ran first turn, but Venethrax also feated. I feated in response and promptly killed most of the bloodgorgers. He jammed up my lines in response, and things got ugly. Venethrax pushed forward on one flank, and the ATGMs met him and managed to not die, by having the Mule occasionally crit-toss him in an AOE backwards. Gerlak and most of the support staff got pimped by PKs on a weird flanking mission. The backfield got murdered by Taryn di Rovissi, who managed to kill a lot of stuff this game, including the Withershadow reroller.

The game came down to Ashlynn (with goblin and seeker), Gallant, the Dude, Taryn, and some PKs against Venethrax, darraghe wrathe unhorsed, and Malice (who was mugged). It was my game to lose at that point, because Admonition was keeping Venethrax away from Ashlynn while Gallant whittled away at him. But I decided to charge Ashlynn into Malice, doing some damage, but giving myself little means of escape from Venethrax, who was too far away to retaliate except for Wrathe's death ride. Which is ridiculous.

So I learned something there. That game needed to end tho, and I still feel it was my game to lose.

Overall some sweet stuff. I didn't take a pic of the games, but I've got something around here. . .
Ashlynn is pretty awesome

-Merlin out