

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Gun Mage Fever

Cygnar Fluffernutters Vol. 1:

I've been considering the idea of tiered/theme lists in WarMachine for a while. Essentially, the idea behind theme lists is that you can only take certain models, units, etc. But, in exchange you get some benefits, whether it's decreased cost on units, or free models, or even starting the game with upkeep spells in play or focus points on 'jacks.

My buddy who got me into the game said "never do tier lists, it's like tying one arm behind your back." And in a sense, it is. The model selection tends to be extremely limited for most of them, and the benefits rarely outweigh the "cost" of limited model selection. That being said, I have always liked the idea of artificially limiting the building blocks for any given project, as an exercise. Call it theorymachine calisthenics. It's one of the reasons I like drafting in CCGs; I like being forced to use unpopular choices so that I have to reconsider them or otherwise _make_ them work.

So with that, I decided to at least work toward a few tier lists in warmachine. Flipping through the Forces of Warmachine: Cygnar book, I was looking for theme requirements that could be met by multiple theme lists. Two units show up multiple times (in multiples) in several theme lists: Arcane Tempest Gun Mages, and Long Gunners. I decided that I liked the ATGMs better than Long Gunners, and if I had to buy two units of something (most theme lists require doubling-up on certain infantry, which isn't often done; most players only ever want one of a given unit in their collection) I would buy those. Even better, the first unit was on sale used at my FLGS, and a resculpt came in April. So not only would I have two units, but they would look totally different.

When I actually got the units, I mixed the two sculpts a bit so that each unit has 6 unique figures (most units have 3-5 sculpts, with some duplicates). I also painted them in different colors, both for differentiation, and because ATGMs can be taken in one of the mercenary contracts. So then my merc ATGMs look different from my Cygnar ATGMs. Even better, the Forces of Warmachine: Mercenaries book has another tier list that requires two units of ATGMs, so now I'm working toward 3 theme lists with my purchase.

The lists:

Army Name: Gun Mage Fever 1
Theme Force: Sons of the Tempest Tier 4
35+6 points, 23 models

Lieutenant Allister Caine  +6 points
* Avenger or Defender 9 points

Arcane Tempest Gun Mages  5 points
* Gun Mage Officer
** Hunter  6 points
Arcane Tempest Gun Mages  5 points
* Gun Mage Officer  2 points
** Hunter  6 points
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team  4 points
2x Gun Mage Captain Adept  2 points each

I like this version because it has some symmetry, but after playing it a few times, I'll probably drop a hunter and both Gun Mage Captain Adepts for a Stormclad on Caine. Then I'll move the Defender/Avenger to the now 'jackless Gun Mage Officer for Rune Shot. Caine needs the Stormclad beatstick. Prime Caine's tier might be cool enough to actually play in a serious game.

Army Name: Gun Mage Fever II
Theme Force: The Huntsman Tier 3
35+5 points, 27 models

Captain Allister Caine  +5 points
* Minuteman/Firefly/Sentinal/Charger 5/4 points

Arcane Tempest Gun Mages  6 points
* Gun Mage Officer  2 points
** 2x Hunter  6 points each
Arcane Tempest Gun Mages  6 points
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team  4 points
Gun Mage Captain Adept
Rangers  5 points

This list is weird, and I don't actually own eCaine or several of his 'jack possibilities. I'll probably run it after I get epic Caine once or twice, but this is one of the theme lists that loses a lot for little gain. It'll still be fun to play, and Caine's epic version is pretty amazing even without his Squire and goblin buddy, but I'll just use it for casual play.

And now for the mercenary gun mage fever!

Army Name: Gun Mage Fever III
Mercenary Theme Force
Theme Force: Viva Le Resistance Tier 4
50+6 points, 35 models

Ashlynn D'Elyse  +6 points
* Nomad  6 points
* 2x Vanguard  5 points each

Anastasia Di Bray  2 points
Arcane Tempest Gun Mages  6 points
* Gun Mage Officer
** Mule  8 points
Arcane Tempest Gun Mages  6 points
* Gun Mage Officer  2 points
10 Precursor Knights  8 points
* Precursor Knight Officer & Standard  2 points
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord  2 points
Rutger Shaw  2 points
Taryn di la Rovissi  2 points

I generally prefer 35 point lists and games to 50s, but I feel that Ashlynn's tier list is so much better with the extra points for a Nomad or Mule and more Precursor Knights. If I had some serious gun mage fever I could even drop some support pieces like Rutger Shaw (who is there to hook Taryn up with Tough and Dodge) and Rupert for my GMCAs.

As you can see, I don't yet have all the models (don't want to play eCaine until I've got some more pCaine games in, and my FLGS hasn't gotten Anastasia in for months) that I need/want for my lists, but it's still cool to know that I can work toward three tier lists with one doubled unit. That's Cygnar and Highborn tier lists with some unit-purchasing efficiency.

I'm a huge fan of pCaine's tier because after setting up the basic (and awesome!) gun-mage framework of 16 points (2 units of ATGM at -1 pts, with a free UA, and the Black 13th), I have X points left over for 'jacks (25 in a 35 point list with Caine's 6 JPs), and as long as I can afford 3 'jacks I've hit tier 3 and 4. This allows me to tap into my stable of Cygnar warjacks with ranged weapons (umm, most of them) and play around with different combinations.

Or I could buy more gun mages. Probably not though.

Hunter Hunter Defender GMCA GMCA
Minuteman Minuteman Minuteman (or more gun mages?) Stormclad
Hunter Hunter Hunter Hunter
Charger Sentinal GMCA Minuteman Stormclad
Avenger Avenger Hunter
And so on.

Next month: Long Gunners, or how I learned to stop worrying and love dual shot CRAs.

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