Two bitey arc node chicken things
Bane thralls full
Satyxis raiders full w ua and captain solo
Croe's cutthroats full
Press gangers full
Doc K
(I think?)
I played two different 'casters with a similar list
The list was:
2 x willbreakers
Extoller soul ward
Nihilators full
Pain givers min
In game one I played prime morghoul and added Orin midwinter to finish out the list, somehow missing that I had max pain givers in war room. So that's my derp. Played a point down.
Both games we played scenario 12: fire support (we're lazy).
I won the roll to go first and advanced super aggressive, lobbing some templates at croe's that drifted to no consequence.
My opponent ran up his AD jammers super aggressive and Denny ran up on full camp, NOT incorporeal.
I decide I can get morghoul to clear the raiders blocking LOS and landing space and rocket my mammoth into her face.
I send Freddy Kruger in but he rolls sub par, though I still kill about 6 models. I feel like I had a chance but I forgot to abuse the mammoth before sending in the clown.
So it's ranged assassination time! I puppet strings the shaman and the raider gives it snipe. It hits after a reroll and rolls nuts high on damage at dice -9. I did 7 wounds.
The mammoth gets my second puppet strings, advances (she's just out of 10", and I roll a 6 4 2 to hit, needing a 13. I reroll the 2 into a 4. Boost damage and do 7 more. She's on two. Mammoth buys and boosts, straight rolling a 13 and enough damage to kill her.
I had the extoller in case she was incorporeal.
That went better than it probably should have.
Game two I swapped out Orin for swamp gobbers (because I guess I wanted to play a point down all day) and switched warlocks to hexeris2.
I won again, turn one looks similar to last game, though my opponent doesn't run up as aggressively. He's also shifted his raiders to the center of deployment and moved press gangers to offset my Nihilators.
This became a real game. I used snipe and aiming on the shaman (and puppet strings natch) to kill the sea witch hiding in the woods behind raiders. Then the template festival began and the mammoth rained hell on the raiders and croe's.
The damage had been done, positioning-wise, though. I was going to get locked out on scenario next turn. I used my Nihilators to kill press gangers but 4 up tough is a thing.
I feated top of two to ashes most of the remaining raiders and camped 3, but I was concerned about scenario.
My opponent focused fire on the mammoth and gladiator and winded up a bane charge. Denny feated but he spent too much on the mammoth and ignored my objective until too late: the press gangers failed to kill it.
So scenario stalled while I threw templates at banes. He hadn't brought the ua so they weren't tough. I got some good blasts and killed half of them. My few Nihilators tied up press gangers and the shaman and raider tried to assassinate doc and bosun. Bosun died but doc lived.
The remaining press gangers were already engaging the objective and so failed to break it again, Denny killed some support staff and went after the mammoth. 3 banes with curse of shadows did half its spiral but it lived to sweep. My opponent scored on the flag on the side of his objective.
I tried to clear up stuff and moved hexy up, but he was able to kill the last few Nihilators and my objective while dominating with Denny. He scored 4 points on his turn to finish the game out.
I feated poorly. I could have done a lot better. Tough to stay up on Denny in scenario play.
-Merlin out
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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