Nemo3 and new stepmom
Storm Strider
Aiyana and Holt
Mechaniks min
2 Stormsmiths
Gorman di Wulfe, Kung Lao impersonator
Charlie played Vindictus
min Choir
Hammer Dorfs with Priest
min Zealots and Monolith Guy
Epic Eiryss
I won the roll and moved up pretty conservatively with Stormwall and pretty aggressive with everything else.
Charlie ran at me pretty hard. True Path is pretty legit.
I held feat on turn 2 and instead just killed a Cinerator with Stormwall and placed covering fire templates. Terrain kept charlie from really getting into the Stormwall, and my Stormguard were tough from Rupert, with set defense and spread out to block charge lanes.
Charlie feated and moved up into my threat ranges, but held back a little too far. Epic elf stripped Failsafe from Stormwall and Judicator blasted 12 damage onto the wall.
I feated and murdered a lot of Dorfs, Nemo did about 34 damage to the Bastion unit (all still alive of course), and i managed to kill almost all the Cinerators. Covering Fire kept the Bastions honest.
Charlie saw that he had an opportunity to get at least one, and maybe two Bastions on Nemo. He did the rest of his turn first and killed about half of my Stormguard and the Storm Strider (man that thing died too easy. . .). Then he cleared out a spot for Bastions to get to Nemo. However, his Cinerator that he'd moved to hit my objective and clear the lane was now blocking.
Only one Bastion got to Nemo and he missed the 7 he needed to hit (rolled a 6 natch). So that was his turn.
Stormwall killed the Bastions and Cinerator. Nemo moved away and killed the final bastion with a lightning bolt. My 4 remaining Stormguard killed the rest of the Dorfs. Gorman moved up to kill a bunch of stuff with an acid bomb, but he failed to clear the flag for me to score.
Charlie was losing the attrition war, and so he hoped to force my hand on an assassination by going for scenario. He managed to clear out all my contesting models and Vindictus charged to the flag and killed Rupert to score.
Holt had quick-drew the flamthrower attempt on Aiyana's life, and the rockets flew away harmlessly. Aiyana Harmed Vindictus, Holt killed a Zealot via sac pawn. Then Stormwall moved up, boosted a big gun shot, and rolled a 16 on damage to one-shot Vindictus. Good game. If i failed I would probably not win as Charlie could dominate again.
-Merlin out
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